
Master English for the Modern World.

Our Bildungsurlaub programme is designed to equip you with essential language skills and 21st-century communication abilities. Using authentic materials and a communicative approach, we offer practical activities and weekly projects to help you confidently use English in various real-life contexts, preparing you for success in today’s globalised world.

Our flexible enrolment allows students to start classes any Monday throughout the year. We offer courses for all proficiency levels, from Elementary to Advanced, so you can join at the level that suits you best. By the end of the course, you will notice significant improvements in your English skills and greater confidence in your ability to communicate.

Morning Sessions:

You will join our general language group course, which includes 20 lessons per week, focusing on essential skills such as conversation, free speaking, reading and listening comprehension, and oral and written expression.

Afternoon Sessions:

Participate in five weekly personalised study units, where you can concentrate on additional skills and language development.

For 30 hours programmes the afternoon also includes 5 hours of project work and teacher directed self-study.

Course Length: From 1 Week

Start Date: Any Monday

Levels: Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1)

Minimum Age: 16 years old

Average Class Size: 12 (maximum of 15 students)

Morning Sessions:

You will join our general language group course, which includes 20 lessons per week, focusing on essential skills such as conversation, free speaking, reading and listening comprehension, and oral and written expression.

Afternoon Sessions:

Participate in five weekly personalised study units, where you can concentrate on additional skills and language development.

For 30 hours programmes the afternoon also includes 5 hours of project work and teacher directed self-study.

International House Dublin is an authorised English language school for Bildungsurlaub ‘Educational Leave’ programmeme.

International House Dublin is an authorized provider for the Bildungsurlaub Educational Leave’ programme, offering top-tier English language courses. Our experienced and qualified teachers create an immersive and supportive learning environment, helping you enhance your language skills while experiencing the vibrant culture of Dublin. Join us to make the most of your educational leave with our diverse and engaging courses tailored to meet your professional and personal growth needs.

What is Educational Leave?

Educational Leave, also known as Educational Time, is a legal entitlement allowing employees in Germany to take paid leave specifically for further education. However, each federal state regulates and handles the right to educational leave differently. You can only book further training for your educational leave officially recognised by your federal state. At International House Dublin, we offer language courses that qualify for Educational Leave.