Complaint Procedure

We trust that the informal process effectively resolves most issues. In the event that the resolution doesn’t meet your expectations, a formal procedure is available.

  1. Informal Complaint Procedure

At International House Dublin, we are committed to ensuring that your experience is positive and fulfilling. However, we understand that there may be instances where you have concerns or issues that need addressing.

We have dedicated team members available at reception to support you advise your concerns and provide you with possible solutions. We encourage you to follow the procedures outlined below if you have any concerns during your time with us:

Academic Concerns: If you have concerns with your class, lesson, or level, your first step should be to speak directly with your teachers. We believe that open communication with your teacher can often lead to resolution. We advise learners who feel that they are at the wrong level to wait 3 days before deciding.

If you ever find yourself seeking additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our academic team. You can visit them on the 1st floor during break times or send them an email at or

Non-academic concerns: If you have non-academic concerns our dedicated student services team is here to assist you. You can easily get in touch with them by visiting our reception or reaching out via email at If you believe it would be beneficial, you are also welcome to request a one-on-one meeting with our student services officer through this email.

Our student services officer will work with the area manager to explore potential solutions, and you can expect to receive feedback via email within 2 working days.

  1. Formal complaints Procedure

Written authorization: If the complaint submission is made on behalf of a client, we need written confirmation that the agent is authorized to act on the client’s behalf.

Complaint submission: The complaint needs to be outlined in detail, including dates and supporting documents/ evidence.

Requested redress: The complainant needs to confirm what the requested redress (if any) is for this claim.

Complaint review: Once the complaint and requested redress are outlined in full, with all relevant supporting documents, the school will review the written claim for a period of 60 days from receipt of the full written complaint. The school will endeavor to respond in this period, however, if additional information is required, this period may be extended at the discretion of the school.

Complaint Response: At the end of the review period, the school will respond in writing.

Appeal procedure: The complainant may appeal the outcome of the complaint to the Director of the School within 5 working days from the issue of the outcome of the complaint.

Appeal outcome: The outcome of an appeal will endeavor to be determined not later than 30 days from the receipt of the appeal.

Formal Complaint Form