Our Teaching Method

A course at International House Dublin prepares learners for success in a multicultural and interconnected world. Through dynamic language experiences that extend beyond the classroom, learners embark on an unforgettable journey of learning and growth. Our academic team has meticulously crafted dynamic programmes that guide learners through language and skill development while remaining flexible to meet their evolving needs.



We prioritize authentic communication and active participation, with our teachers encouraging learners to continuously develop and enhance both their spoken and written output.


Our programmes challenge learners with real-life materials such as newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio, enabling them to communicate effectively with English speakers from all over the world.


We integrate 21st century skills into our English courses to ensure our learners are well-equipped for the demands of today’s world. By integrating these skills, we prepare our learners not just to succeed academically but also to thrive in their personal and professional lives.


We recognize that cultural connection, sensitivity, and exchange are the cornerstones of effective communication. Our programmes incorporate tasks that foster intercultural awareness and communication, often extending beyond the classroom to places of interest around the city.


At IH Dublin, we believe that assessment should primarily be a formative process, providing a true reflection of students’ capabilities and informing students of their learning needs and successes. Our assessment system is tailored to meet the individual needs of students and is integrated throughout their courses.

Pre-Arrival: Students take an online placement test before arrival. This ensures they are placed at the correct level.

Daily: Success criteria in daily classes enable students to engage in self-assessment and peer assessment, while also receiving targeted feedback from their teachers.

Weekly: Every week, students participate in a progress evaluation. These evaluations serve as valuable checkpoints to monitor students’ language development and understanding. By regularly assessing their progress, we can provide appropriate support and guidance to help students excel in their language learning journey.